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Grant H. Garcia, MD

Grant H. Garcia, MD Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist View Profile

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Grant H. Garcia, MD

Grant H. Garcia, MD Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist View Doctor Profile

Accelerated Recovery (ERABS)

Enhanced Recovery After and Before Surgery

Optimizing Orthopedic Surgery Recovery: Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Preoperative and Postoperative Care

Dr. Garcia is focused on all aspects of your surgery and recovery.  While advanced techniques are used to address your injury, he takes a more wholistic approach and focuses on the presurgical as well as post-surgical portion to maximize your outcomes and shorten your recovery. 

Dr. Garcia’s Recovery Shop

Dr. Garcia is pleased to announce his partnership with the Recovery Shop to offer products that assist with both nonoperative and operative recovery. These products are physician approved and alleviate the headache of purchasing after-market braces, devices, creams, scar patches and supplements on other online sales sites. Some of these products are cutting edge technology to improve patient recovery. Check out his link below to purchase any of these products and feel free to message us if there is something you would like to see offered to help with your recovery.

Dr. Garcia’s Recovery Shop Website


Welcome to our dedicated section on preoperative and postoperative recovery, where we delve into the importance of utilizing cutting-edge technology to optimize patient outcomes. As an orthopedic surgeon, I am committed to advancing patient care through innovative approaches that not only enhance surgical procedures but also streamline recovery processes.   In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of pre and postoperative nutrition for athletes, including the role of essential amino acids, and discuss innovative technologies such as the Rebless and NICE machines in enhancing recovery. We will explore various strategies to expedite recovery and facilitate a swift return to peak performance.

Dr. Garcia explains his new ERABS protocol

Introduction to Enhanced Recovery After and Before Surgery (ERABS)

These protocols have revolutionized the field of orthopedic surgery by emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. These evidence-based strategies aim to minimize surgical stress, reduce complications, and accelerate recovery, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes. By integrating state-of-the-art technology and tailored interventions, orthopedic surgeons can optimize every aspect of the surgical journey, from preoperative preparation to postoperative rehabilitation.

Preoperative Optimization: Harnessing Technology for Better Outcomes

The journey to successful postoperative recovery begins long before the operating room. Preoperative optimization plays a pivotal role in ensuring patients are physically and mentally prepared for surgery. Advanced imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, allow for precise preoperative planning, enabling surgeons to tailor their approach to each patient's unique anatomy.  The CT scan also allow for custom planning of your surgery and preparation.  Dr. Garcia uses this type of technology in all osteotomy cases, shoulder replacements, patellofemoral replacements and more.  Moreover, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies have emerged as valuable tools for preoperative education and planning. These immersive technologies provide patients with a realistic preview of their procedure, helping alleviate anxiety and improve understanding. By empowering patients to actively participate in their care, orthopedic surgeons can foster a sense of partnership and accountability, which is essential for successful recovery.

The Role of Preoperative and Postoperative Nutrition in Athletes

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in the both the preoperative and postoperative recovery process, especially for athletes who demand optimal performance and rapid return to sport. Proper nutrition not only fuels the body's healing processes but also supports muscle recovery and tissue regeneration. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of personalized nutrition interventions tailored to individual patient needs.

See links below for important nutrition articles for patients.

Athletes undergoing orthopedic surgery often have unique nutritional requirements, necessitating specialized dietary guidance. Protein, for example, is essential for muscle repair and recovery, making it a cornerstone of postoperative nutrition for athletes. Incorporating high-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based alternatives, can facilitate tissue healing and enhance muscle strength.

In addition to protein, athletes require adequate hydration to support physiological functions and promote tissue hydration. Electrolyte-rich beverages, such as sports drinks and coconut water, can help replenish electrolyte stores depleted during surgery and aid in postoperative recovery. Furthermore, micronutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc play crucial roles in immune function and tissue repair, highlighting the importance of a well-rounded diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  Dr. Garcia is proud to offer his patients Xcelerated Recovery through the Recovery Shop to help with pre and postop nutrition requirements.  Patients get purchase this individually or in the full recovery bundle for their shoulder, knee or elbow surgery that also includes multiple modalities to reduce swelling, pain and improve recovery.

About Xcelerated Recovery:

Dr.Garcia Podcast with Xcelerate Recovery CEO, Dr Jazayeri

Xcelerated Recovery® is a targeted amino acid supplement formulated with clinically studied ingredients at optimal effective doses in preserving skeletal muscle during the catabolic state of surgery and injury recovery.

Substantial Skeletal Muscle Loss Occurs After Surgery

The most muscle atrophy is seen during the initial 2 weeks post-op.

Decreased mobilization leads to further muscle atrophy:

*0.5% /day in young 1.0% /day in elderly

Essential Amino Acids serve as the necessary building blocks for collagen, bone and Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS).

*Without adequate nutritional support, the body harvests its only reserve (skeletal muscle) to provide these critical substrates for tissue healing.

Each ingredient has been clinically researched for optimal effective dosing. Utilizing targeted amino acid supplementation provides essential substrates for tissue repair during recovery with evidence-backed benefits in mitigating muscle loss, reducing complications, and improving overall outcomes.

Patient Recommendations:

  • 1. Operative: 

Option A - 3 week surgical program:

Option B - 2 week recovery 'post op' kit:

Option C - 1 week (14-pack) pre or post op support:

  • 2. Non-op(includes pain management):

Option A - 2 box Recovery kit 

Option B - 1 box (14-pack) 

Non-op directions: Take one packet post PT or exercise. 

Link for Xcelerated Recovery Products:

Dr. Garcia presents the innovative Rebless Machine

Innovative Strategies for Accelerated Recovery

In conjunction with optimized nutrition, several innovative strategies can further expedite postoperative recovery and promote optimal outcomes for athletes. These include:

  • 1. Early Mobilization: Encouraging early mobilization and physical therapy promotes circulation, reduces the risk of complications such as deep vein thrombosis, and accelerates functional recovery.

Dr. Garcia use the new and innovative Rebless machine for complex knee surgeries see link below or check out his recent podcasts etc. on this device.

  • 2. Pain Management: Utilizing multimodal pain management approaches, including regional anesthesia techniques and non-opioid analgesics, minimizes opioid reliance and facilitates early ambulation and rehabilitation.

Podcast on the new NICE recovery system.

Dr. Garcia now uses the amazing new alternative to standard ICE machines allows regenerative icing and compression to reduce swelling, provide compression and improve many constraints that accompany standard ice products.  For more information see main page:

See link to more information on the product offered by Dr. Garcia to get you back faster after surgery.

  • 3. Regenerative Therapies: Emerging regenerative therapies, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell injections, hold promise for accelerating tissue healing and enhancing functional recovery following orthopedic surgery.

Dr. Garcia is fellowship trained biologic treatment to improve recovery and enhance his surgical outcomes. 

  • 4. Wearable Technology: Wearable devices, such as activity trackers and remote monitoring systems, enable real-time assessment of patient progress and adherence to rehabilitation protocols, facilitating early detection of potential complications and optimizing recovery trajectories.

  • 5. Telemedicine: Leveraging telemedicine platforms allows for convenient follow-up care and ongoing communication between patients and healthcare providers, promoting continuity of care and facilitating timely intervention when needed.

For patients out of state who fly in for surgery Dr. Garcia offers telemedicine options so they can stay in touch with their surgeon.  To learn more about his second opinion to have him remotely evaluate your case click the link below.


In conclusion, the integration of new technology and targeted nutrition interventions is essential for optimizing preoperative and postoperative recovery in orthopedic surgery, particularly for athletes. By harnessing advanced imaging techniques, immersive technologies, and personalized nutritional assessments, orthopedic surgeons can tailor treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient and maximize their recovery potential.

Furthermore, innovative technologies such as the Rebless and NICE machines offer effective solutions for managing pain, reducing inflammation, and accelerating tissue healing postoperatively. By incorporating these advancements into comprehensive rehabilitation protocols, orthopedic surgeons can minimize recovery time, enhance patient satisfaction, and promote a swift return to an active lifestyle.

As we continue to advance our understanding of surgical techniques, rehabilitation strategies, and nutritional interventions, the future of orthopedic surgery holds immense promise for further improving patient outcomes and quality of life.