Healthcare News
ACL Tear and MCL Tear: Key Differences and Treatment Options for Individual and Combined Injuries
The ACL is in the middle of the knee joint and is an intra-articular ligament. This is important to understand because, in general, extra-articular ligaments (MCL) can heal sometimes on their own without surgery, while intra-articular ligaments (ACL) cannot.
Researchers develop new test for early osteoarthritis diagnosis
Diagnosing osteoarthritis often occurs in the late stages when cartilage degradation is severe, making it difficult to distinguish it from other types of arthritis and to determine the best treatment plan. In work published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research, investigators have developed and tested a new diagnostic test that uses two markers found in the synovial fluid of patients' joints.
Small spheroids for head and neck cartilage tissue engineering
We used chondrocytes (CCs) and chondroprogenitors (CPCs) isolated from auricular and nasoseptal cartilage to prepare spheroids using ultra-low attachment (ULA) plates or micromass cultures.
Nano delivery systems in stem cell therapy: Transforming regenerative medicine and overcoming clinical challenges
Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising approach in regenerative medicine, offering potential treatments for various degenerative diseases and injuries. However, the clinical application of stem cell therapy faces challenges such as low cell viability, inefficient delivery to target sites, and immune rejection. Nanodelivery systems (NDS) have the potential to address these limitations and enhance the efficacy of stem cell-based treatments.
Latarjet procedure may be reliable in stabilizing shoulder dislocation with bone loss
The Latarjet procedure may be warranted for treatment of patients with recurrent instability or larger bone loss. However, surgeons should be cautious not to cause iatrogenic problems with the procedure.
11 Knee Pain Dos and Don’ts
You can do many things to help knee pain, whether it's due to a recent injury or arthritisyou've had for years. Follow these 11 dos and don’ts to help your knees feel their best.
Inside-out repair technique may help surgeons preserve meniscus function
In this video from Orthopedics Today Hawaii, Michael J. Stuart, MD, emeritus professor and orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic Rochester, discussed the importance of meniscus preservation.
Sling immobilization may improve sleep quality vs. bracing after rotator cuff surgery
Sling immobilization for 6 weeks after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair yielded improved sleep quality, decreased anxiety and increased satisfaction with similar clinical outcomes compared with abduction brace use, according to study data.
Labrum SLAP Tear
Your labrum is soft tissue that connects the socket part of the scapula (called the glenoid) with the head of the humerus. A tear in the labrum results in insufficient cushioning between those bones.
Microenvironment-responsive nanomedicines: a promising direction for tissue regeneration
The emergence of nanobiotechnology has opened a new direction in immunomodulatory nanomedicine, providing encouraging prospects for tissue regeneration and restoration.