Healthcare News
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Help with sports injuries
Young athletes get plenty of bumps and bruises, but how can they avoid injuries? Any advice on how long they should sit out before getting back on the field or in the game?
Treatment Options for Cartilage Defects in the Knee
A cartilage defect is an area of damaged cartilage. The cause of a cartilage defect can be due to trauma, osteonecrosis, osteochondritis, and other conditions.
Athletes vs. Nonathletes: Who does better after hip arthroscopy?
Athletes over the age of 40 have better outcomes after primary hip arthroscopy than nonathletes of the same age, according to new research.
Knee Cartilage Replacement
Knee arthritis is a condition that causes damage to our joints and the cartilage that helps the knees to function normally.
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate augmentation of allograft may benefit ACL reconstruction
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate augmentation of the bone-patellar tendon-bone allograft during ACL reconstruction may yield greater signal intensity scores on MRI at 3 months postoperatively, according to published results.
12 causes of shoulder pain and treatment options
Shoulder pain can range from mild to severe and can come on suddenly or build up over time. Shoulder pain causes include fractures, tissue inflammation or tears, joint or ligament instability, and arthritis.
Cycling knee pain: What to know
Many cycling injuries occur due to overuse of the joints of the lower body, especially the knees.
Seven tips for exercising safely during a heatwave
When summer temperatures soar, the idea of working out might be the furthest thing from your mind. But just because it's hot doesn't mean you can't still squeeze a workout in if you want to, though there are a few adjustments you may need to make to your normal routine.
What Is an Osteotomy and Why Would You Need It?
Osteotomy is a surgical technique used to correct alignment or malunion in a bone. It may be used to fix a broken bone that healed incorrectly, remove part of a bone, or cut open a bone.
When is the best time of day to exercise? The answer may be different for men and women
Recent findings suggest that the effectiveness of exercise depends on the time of day (Exercise Time Of Day, ETOD). Now, a randomized controlled trial not only confirms convincingly that ETOD affects the effectiveness of exercise, but also shows that these effects differ between types of exercise, and between women and men.