Healthcare News
Can You Restore Your Aching Knees? New Stanford Study Shows Promise
Back in 2006, scientists made a major breakthrough when they discovered how to turn normal cells back into stem cells. Ever since, scientists have been exploring how to turn stem cells into just what we want them to be. To repair damaged cartilage, what we’d really like is fresh new cartilage grown from our own stem cells. This is what a new study out of Stanford University, just published in the journal Nature Medicine, promises to do.
Sprains, Strains? New Guidelines Urge OTC Painkillers, Not Opioids
People with common muscle and joint injuries should skip opioids and instead reach for over-the-counter pain relievers, new treatment guidelines suggest.
FDA gives green light to Jointechlabs MiniTC device
Regenerative therapies startup Jointechlabs Inc. has won the U.S. FDA’s nod for its MiniTC point-of-care fat tissue processing device. The 510(k)-cleared product is designed to extract microfat for use in grafts for a variety of indications, including medical aesthetics, plastic surgery, orthobiologics and wound healing.
What is Raynaud’s Disease?
Raynaud’s is known as Raynaud’s disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon and Raynaud’s syndrome. It is a medical condition in which the circulation to your fingertips is interrupted. The fingers, and sometimes toes, will turn pale and white as they have no blood supply. After a while they turn blue, and you may experience discomfort or pain.
The importance of stretching throughout your workday
With some gyms closed and a number of people working from home, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for many people to get in their daily workout. Sedentary behavior, including sitting for long periods of time, can contribute to adverse health effects
What to know about tightness in the knee
A feeling of tightness or stiffness in the knee can occur as a result of overuse, injury, or age-related wear and tear.
Exercise as therapy: its surprising potential to treat people with multiple chronic conditions
People with multimorbidity want treatments that will improve their physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Our research found that exercise may actually be a surprising treatment for those living with multimorbidity, and offer many of these improvements patients want.
Avoiding Pain And Addiction After Sports-injury Surgery
A mix of non-addictive medicines may be safer and equally successful in managing pain after shoulder or knee surgery, a study from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit indicates. Concerned about the opioid abuse epidemic, doctors there tested a different regimen for pain relief. They treated post-surgical pain with a combination of non-opioid medications, including anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants and nerve pain relievers.
Swollen Knee: Causes And How To Treat It
A variety of issues can cause knee swelling, including injuries and medical conditions such as arthritis. A person can treat some of these causes at home, while other issues require care from a doctor. In some cases, the cause of the swelling is chronic and requires long-term treatment.
Will Your Kid Play School Sports This Fall? Here's Some Guidance On Doing It Safely
If you're thinking about letting your child resume sports while the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage, a leading pediatricians' group says there are a few things you should consider.