Healthcare News
Elbow Dislocation Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
An elbow dislocation occurs when the upper arm and forearm get separated from their normal position. The bone of the upper arm (humerus) normally touching the bones of the forearm (the radius and ulna). When an elbow dislocation occurs, these bones are separated from their normal alignment. Elbow dislocations are the second most common joint dislocation, following shoulder dislocations.
Protective mediators can help heal injured tendon cells by attacking inflammation
Tendon tears, both to the rotator cuff and Achilles heel, are common injuries, especially in aged individuals. Painful and disabling, they can adversely impact quality of life. New approaches are required to help patients suffering from chronic tendon injuries. A novel study identified mediators that promote resolution of inflammation as potential new therapeutics to push chronically injured tendons down an inflammation-resolving pathway.
Heated suit simulates exercise benefits for people unable to take part in physical activity
Scientists are testing a heated suit which replicates some benefits of exercise without the need for physical activity.
Causes of Rotator Cuff Pain and Treatment Options
Rotator cuff pain is most commonly caused by an inflamed tendon (tendinitis) or torn tendon.
How to strengthen your knee
The knee is the largest joint in the body. People use it heavily every day as they walk, run, climb, or jump. As a result, it is also very prone to injury and pain. When these occur, a doctor may recommend exercises to help a person strengthen the muscles around the knee.
Treating Muscle Soreness After Exercise
Treatment of sore muscles after exercise is focused on reducing the inflammation and allowing the sore muscle to heal properly. Some treatments recommended for muscle soreness have a scientific basis, others do not.
Regenerating Health
What if you could put your own body to work healing itself? That’s the basic premise of regenerative medicine, which is being used in various ways to restore damaged tissues and speed the body’s healing process.
Elbow Arthritis Treatment and Symptoms
Elbow arthritis is relatively uncommon compared to arthritis of other joints in the body including the hands, hips, and knees. That said, some people suffer from symptoms of painful arthritis symptoms and require treatment for this condition.
How to get rid of knee pain when sleeping
Joint pain and swelling become more common as people age. Pain in the knee can make walking, running, and other activities uncomfortable. It can also make it difficult to fall or stay asleep at night.
Choose your running shoes carefully
If you're a runner, the wrong running shoe could sideline you, a foot expert says.