Shoulder Instability
Remplissage May Decrease the Redislocation Rate After Arthroscopic Bankart Repair in Patients With an Engaging Hill-Sachs Defect
Background: The redislocation rate after arthroscopic Bankart repair (BR) among patients with a Hill-Sachs lesion (HSL) may be reduced with the use of remplissage.
Distal Tibial Allograft for the Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability With Glenoid Bone Loss
Background: The use of a distal tibial allograft (DTA) for reconstruction of a glenoid defect in anterior shoulder instability has grown significantly over the past decade. However, few large-scale clinical studies have investigated the clinical and radiographic outcomes of the DTA procedure.
Arthroscopic Bankart Repair With Remplissage in Anterior Shoulder Instability Results in Fewer Redislocations Than Bankart Repair Alone at Medium-term Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: A multicenter, double-blinded randomized controlled trial comparing isolated Bankart repair (NO REMP) to Bankart repair with remplissage (REMP) reported benefits of remplissage in reducing recurrent instability at 2 years postoperative. The ongoing benefits beyond this time point are yet to be explored.
Outcomes of Shoulder Instability Surgery in Competitive Wrestlers
Background: Wrestling is a physically demanding sport with young athletes prone to traumatic shoulder instability and a paucity of data evaluating the results of shoulder instability surgery (SIS).
Occult, Incomplete, and Complete Posterior Labral Tears Without Glenohumeral Instability on Imaging Underestimate Labral Detachment
Purpose: To introduce a classification of posterior labral tear and describe clinical characteristics, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) findings, arthroscopic findings, and outcomes after arthroscopic repair for patients with posterior labral tears without glenohumeral instability.
Clinical Outcomes After Arthroscopic Pancapsular Shift for the Treatment of Multidirectional Glenohumeral Instability at a Mean Follow-up of 9 Years
Background: Arthroscopic treatment of multidirectional instability (MDI) of the shoulder is being increasingly performed, but there is a paucity of studies with minimum 5-year follow-up.
Arthroscopic Latarjet With Cortical Buttons Versus Open Latarjet With Screws
Background: The arthroscopic bone block procedure according to Latarjet remains a controversial subject, and few comparative studies have demonstrated the benefit of arthroscopy over open surgery.
Differences in Outcomes Between Anterior and Posterior Shoulder Instability After Arthroscopic Bankart Repair: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Background: The glenohumeral joint is one of the most frequently dislocated joints in the body, particularly in young, active adults.
Return to Sport Following Latarjet Glenoid Reconstruction for Anterior Shoulder Instability
Background: Latarjet coracoid transfer reconstruction is the gold standard for treatment of recurrent shoulder instability with anterior-inferior glenoid bone loss and return to sport is often a primary outcome of interest in this patient population.
Return to Sport After Surgical Management of Posterior Shoulder Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Background: Posterior shoulder instability accounts for a small proportion of all shoulder instability, although it can affect athletes of all types, from contact to overhead athletes. Surgical treatment is quite successful in these patients; however, the literature reports a wide range of rates of return to sport.
Recurrence and Revision Rates With Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Compared With the Latarjet Procedure in Competitive Rugby Players With Glenohumeral Instability and a Glenoid Bone Loss <20< /h2>
Background: There is a lack of evidence in the literature comparing outcomes between the arthroscopic Bankart repair and the Latarjet procedure in competitive rugby players with glenohumeral instability and a glenoid bone loss <20%.< /p>
Latarjet procedure enables 73% to return to play within 8 months depending on preoperative SIRSI and Rowe scores
Purpose: Systematic reviews report return to play (RTP) within 5.8 months (range, 3-8) following the Latarjet procedure, but the factors that influence RTP remain unknown. The present study aimed to report the rate and time of return to play (RTP) during the first 8 months following the Latarjet procedure, and to determine the influence of sport type or patient characteristics.
Repair Versus Latarjet Procedure for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of 3275 Shoulders
Background: Little consensus is available regarding the standard treatment for recurrent anterior instability of the shoulder. Typically, treatment selection has been based on training and tradition rather than the available evidence.
Return to Sport After Arthroscopic Treatment of Posterior Shoulder Instability
Background: Arthroscopic treatment of posterior shoulder instability has become more popular and effective in recent years, but few data are available concerning the rate of return to sport.
Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Versus Conservative Management for First-Time Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Purpose: To perform a meta-analysis of the current evidence in the literature comparing arthroscopic Bankart repair versus conservative management for first-time anterior shoulder dislocation.
Editorial Commentary: Evidence to Support Surgical Intervention for First-Time Shoulder Instability: Stabilize Them Early!
Abstract: Historically, a primary anterior instability event has been treated nonoperatively. In the literature, a multitude of outcome scores and definitions for recurrence of instability complicates the interpretation and synthesis of evidence-based recommendations.
Risk Factors for Recurrent Anterior Glenohumeral Instability and Clinical Failure Following Primary Latarjet Procedures: An Analysis of 344 Patients
Background: Patients with a greater risk of recurrent instability and inferior clinical outcomes following a primary Latarjet procedure can be preoperatively identified on the basis of clinical, radiographic, and demographic criteria. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors influencing the rates of recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability and clinical failure following a primary Latarjet procedure.
Remplissage for Anterior Shoulder Instability with Hill-Sachs Lesions - A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to systematically review and meta-analyze the current evidence in the literature to determine how arthroscopic Bankart repair (ABR) and Remplissage compare to arthroscopic Bankart repair alone and the open Latarjet procedure for anterior shoulder instability in patients with a concomitant Hill-Sachs lesions.
Outcomes After Revision Anterior Shoulder Stabilization: A Systematic Review
Background: Primary shoulder stabilization is successful, but there continues to be a risk of recurrence after operative repair, particularly in the young athlete. It is important for surgeons to understand the outcomes after various revision stabilization techniques to best counsel patients and manage expectations.
Glenoid Cartilage Lesions CompromiseOutcomes of Surgical Treatmentfor Posterior Shoulder Instability
Background: Posterior shoulder instability is associated with nonspecific symptoms, including pain, subluxation, and functionalimpairment, which complicate its diagnosis and management.
Clinical and radiographic outcomes of the open Latarjet procedure in skeletally immature patients.
INTRODUCTION: Recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability has been studied in the young population and limited evidence is available for adolescent patients. Our study is a retrospective review of patients aged > 17 years who underwent open Latarjet procedure.
Original ResearchResults of Arthroscopic Bankart Repairin Recreational Athletes and Laborers
Background:Arthroscopic Bankart repair is the most common procedure for anterior shoulder instability management. However,the long-term efficacy of the procedure is questionable, and the results are different among different populations. Few studies havefocused on specific populations, such as recreational athletes and laborers.
Arthroscopic Repair of 270- and 360-Degree Glenoid Labrum Tears: A Systematic Review.
PURPOSE: To review the current literature available and evaluate the efficacy of arthroscopic repair of 270° and 360° labral tears, as well as the complication rates associated with such. In addition, we intend to investigate whether consistent clinical findings can be observed in these patients.
Outcomes After Latarjet Procedure: Patients With First-Time Versus Recurrent Dislocations.
BACKGROUND: The preoperative number of dislocations has been previously proved to be a major factor influencing the results after Bankart repair with more preoperative dislocations correlated with higher recurrence rates and more reoperations. This could possibly be because of the lower quality of the tissue repaired during the procedure after multiple dislocations. On the other hand, the Latarjet procedure does not "repair" but rather reconstructs and augments the anterior glenoid.
The Ideal Location of the Lateral Hinge in Medial Closing Wedge Osteotomy of the Distal Femur
BACKGROUND: Although an appropriate hinge position to prevent unstable lateral hinge fractures is well established in medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy, the position during medial closing wedge distal femoral osteotomy has not been elucidated.
Management of the Failed Latarjet Procedure: Outcomes of Revision Surgery With Fresh Distal Tibial Allograft
BACKGROUND: Patients with recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability after a failed Latarjet procedure remain a challenge to address. Complications related to this procedure include large amounts of bone loss, bone resorption, and issues with retained hardware that necessitate the need for revision surgery.
Risk of Recurrent Instability After Arthroscopic Stabilization for Shoulder Instability in Adolescent Patients
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the failure rates of adolescent patients who underwentarthroscopic labral reconstruction for traumatic anterior shoulder instability. We hypothesized that adolescent failure rates wouldbe significantly higher than what has been reported in the adult population with regard to recurrent instability after surgicalintervention.
Immediate self-rehabilitation after open Latarjet procedures enables recovery of preoperative shoulder mobility at 3 months
PURPOSE: To evaluate short-term clinical outcomes of shoulders treated for anterior instability by open Latarjet procedures (OLP) followed by immediate self-rehabilitation. The hypothesis was that patients would recover preoperative function at 3 months with no adverse events related to self-rehabilitation.
Arthroscopic Treatment of First-Time Shoulder Dislocations in Younger Athletes
PURPOSE:To report the results of arthroscopic treatment for the first episode of a glenohumeral dislocation in younger athletes.
Posterior Labral Repairs of the Shoulder Among Baseball Players: Results and Outcomes With Minimum 2-Year Follow-up
PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical presentation, surgical findings, postoperative outcomes, and rate of return to sport after arthroscopic repair of posterior labral injuries of the shoulder among baseball players.
Ten percent re-dislocation rate 13 years after the arthroscopic Bankart procedure
PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to determine the long-term outcome after the arthroscopic Bankart procedure, in terms of recurrent instability, shoulder function, glenohumeral arthropathy and patient satisfaction.
Impact of Remplissage on Global Shoulder Outcome: A Long-Term Comparative Study.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the global function of patients treated by arthroscopic shoulder stabilization with or without remplissage at a minimum of 10 years of follow-up.
Off-track Hill-Sachs lesions do not increase postoperative recurrent instability after arthroscopic Bankart repair with selective Remplissage procedure.
PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare clinical outcomes and recurrence rates after arthroscopic Bankart repair with selective Remplissage procedure, between patients with off-track and on-track Hill-Sachs lesions.
Comparison Between Modified Latarjet Performed as a Primary or Revision Procedure in Competitive Athletes: A Comparative Study of 100 Patients With a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up.
Background: The literature lacks evidence comparing outcomes between the Latarjet procedure performed as a primary procedure versus a revision procedure in competitive athletes.
Long-term outcomes of the Latarjet procedure for anterior shoulder instability: a systematic review of studies at 10-year follow-up.
Background: This study systematically reviewed the evidence in the literature to ascertain the functional outcomes, recurrences rates, and subsequent revision rates after the open Latarjet procedure at a minimum of 10 years of follow-up.
It's Not All About Redislocation: A Systematic Review of Complications After Anterior Shoulder Stabilization Surgery.
Background: The surgical treatment of recurrent shoulder instability has evolved in recent years to include a variety of soft tissue and bone block procedures, undertaken with either an open or arthroscopic approach. Although the utilization of such techniques has rapidly expanded, the associated risk of complications remains poorly defined. This information is vital for clinical decision making and patient counseling.
Midterm Results of the Bony Bankart Bridge Technique for the Treatment of Bony Bankart Lesions.
Background: The arthroscopic "bony Bankart bridge" (BBB) repair technique was recently shown to successfully restore shoulder stability at short-term follow-up, but longer-term outcomes have not yet been described.
Long-term outcome of arthroscopic remplissage in addition to the classic Bankart repair for the management of recurrent anterior shoulder instability with engaging Hill-Sachs lesions.
Purpose: The evaluation of the long-term outcome of the arthroscopic remplissage performed in addition to the classic Bankart repair for the primary management of recurrent anterior shoulder instability with engaging Hill-Sachs lesion without inverted pear appearance of the glenoid during arthroscopy.
Recurrence Rate of Instability After Remplissage for Treatment of Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Systematic Review in Treatment of Subcritical Glenoid Bone Loss.
Purpose: To report outcomes after arthroscopic remplissage in patients with anterior shoulder instability and subcritical glenoid bone loss, specifically regarding recurrence of instability, return to sport, and changes in range of motion.
Recurrence After Arthroscopic Labral Repair for Traumatic Anterior Instability in Adolescent Rugby and Contact Athletes.
Background: Traumatic glenohumeral dislocation of the shoulder is one of the most common shoulder injuries, especially among adolescent athletes. The treatment of instability for young athletes continues to be controversial owing to high recurrence rates.
Do Articular-Sided Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears After a First-Time Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation in Young Athletes Influence the Outcome of Surgical Stabilization?
Background: Because of the high risk for redislocations after a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation with conservative treatment, recent publications have recommended early arthroscopic intervention, especially for young athletes. Concomitant rotator cuff tendon damage may occur when the shoulder dislocates; however, its presence and influence on clinical results have not been well described in this patient category.
Open Latarjet Procedures Produce Better Outcomes in Competitive Athletes Compared With Recreational Athletes: A Clinical Comparative Study of 106 Athletes Aged Under 30 Years.
Background: In cases of shoulder stabilization for anterior instability, the main goals of the surgery are a rapid and efficient return to sports and excellent long-term outcomes without recurrence of dislocation, particularly in young and competitive athletes.
Glenoid Bone Reaction to All-Soft Suture Anchors Used for Shoulder Labral Repairs.
BACKGROUND: All-soft suture anchors (ASSAs) are commonly used for shoulder labral repair and capsulorrhaphy in patients with shoulder instability. While these anchors may have some specific advantages over other types of suture anchors, little is known about the prevalence and time-dependence of bone cyst formation and tunnel expansion after implantation of ASSAs. The aim of this study was to quantify the proportions of cyst formation and tunnel expansion around ASSAs and to characterize and test for differences in abnormalities observed at different postoperative time points.
Open Latarjet Procedures Produce Better Outcomes in Competitive Athletes Compared With Recreational Athletes
Background: In cases of shoulder stabilization for anterior instability, the main goals of the surgery are a rapid and efficient return to sports and excellent long-term outcomes without recurrence of dislocation, particularly in young and competitive athletes.
Clinical Outcomes and Return to Sport After Arthroscopic Anterior, Posterior, and Combined Shoulder Stabilization
Background: Glenohumeral instability is a common abnormality, especially among athletes. Previous studies have evaluated outcomes after arthroscopic stabilization in patients with anterior or posterior shoulder instability but have not compared outcomes between groups.